Major Two-Five Chord Progressions

KeyKey SignatureiiVI
DF# C#E-7A7DMaj7
AF# C# G#B-7E7AMaj7
EF# C# G# D#F#-7B7EMaj7
BF# C# G# D# A#C#-7F#7BMaj7
F#F# C# G# D# A# E#G#-7C#7F#Maj7
BbBb EbC-7F7BbMaj7
EbBb Eb AbF-7Bb7EbMaj7
AbBb Eb Ab DbBb-7Eb7AbMaj7
DbBb Eb Ab Db GbEb-7Ab7DbMaj7
GbBb Eb Ab Db Gb CbAb-7Db7GbMaj7


Ascending Fourths (A perfect fifth up)

The root of the ii goes a perfect fourth up to the root of theV. This can also be thought of as the root of the ii going a perfect fifth down to the root of the V.

The root of the V goes a perfect fourth up the the root of the I. This can also be thought of as the root of the V going a perfect fifth down to the root of the I.

A perfect fourth up sounds like the beginning of the “Mexican Hat Dance” or “Here Comes the Bride.”

Descending Fifths (A perfect fifth down)

Hints to Remember Fourth Intervals

D up to G: A DoG has four legs.
B up to E: “Before” or “BE 4”

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